I’m Not Indian…But I Love Advance Initiative

Let’s be clear: I’m not Indian. I’ve got friends that are Indian. I’ve had entire (nuclear!) families of Indians stay in my home. I’ve eaten Indian food both with and without Indians, but always used utensils. I even have an Indian goddaughter (this is technically not true, but somebody has to supply her with New England Patriots gear and it may as well be her godfather). Even though all of those things are true, I’m still not Indian.

But I love the Advance Initiative.

I have loved Advance Initiative from the moment I heard about it because I love it anytime I hear that God’s people are working to plant healthy churches so that their friends, family and neighbors can meet the living and true God. As long as there are people who do not follow Jesus, there will be a need for godly men and women to be equipped to bring the good news of Jesus to those they have been sent to.

I love Advance because I know deeply several people involved in the leading, planning and execution. My trust in them is certainly related to my friendship with them (admittedly, I’d trust them with anything), but that drives my excitement only so far as their love for Jesus, the gospel, and their people allows me to be hyped about the ambition, direction, and faithfulness of Advance Initiative.

Now, after being in Princeton, New Jersey last fall for the annual conference, I love Advance Initiative because I see that it’s connecting to people. It’s connecting to church leaders. But Advance does not stop there. It’s also connecting to folks that aren’t leading churches, but are leading people to Jesus. It’s supporting church planters that are doing the hard work of making disciples in places that otherwise would have no exposure to the good news that Christ has made a way for us. All of this is happening not because the folks that are involved are impressive, it’s happening because there’s reliance upon the scriptures, prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit to bring life.

I’m here for that. Always will be.

On a personal note, I also love Advance because it’s healthy for me to be in contexts that aren’t designed by folks like me or for me. I got to see the beauty of God’s creative design, consider different missional hurdles than I’m used to, be discipled in how the gospel works in honor and shame cultures, hear and see how the Spirit is at work across the world and, most importantly, had my affections for Jesus stirred.

I’m not Indian, but I love Advance Initiative. I’ll be back to listen, learn, pray, hear and rejoice … Because God’s at work here and that’s good for you and me and our world